Economic empowerment
Support communities and households to improve their socioeconomic status using three main strategies that will protect and grow their asset base especially:
Increasing household financial resources, increasing socioeconomic skill base and facilitating market inclusion.
The support to each household is be tailored to their specific needs and their capabilities using a differentiated and targeted household level phased approach that will sustainably stabilize and improve their socioeconomic status
Health services
Comprehensive & Equitable Health Services
Ensure increased access to comprehensive, quality, and equitable health services to the most vulnerable.St Francis provides Maternal and Child Health, AnteNatal Care, Post-Natal, Malaria Management, Diarrhea Diseases, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights Services, HIV Prevention, Care and Treatment Services, Elimination of Mother To Child Transmission of HIV, AntiRetroViral Therapy, Social Support, and Community Systems Strengthening of Key Populations).
Tuberculosis Management, Non-Communicable Diseases and Behavioral Change Communication.
Medical Operation Theatre
Our long-awaited Medical Operation Theatre is finally complete and fully functional, many more lives to be saved. We are grateful to all those that have supported us throughout this process.
Food security
St. Francis will strive to ensure that communities and households have access to enough food to meet their nutritional needs in order to live a productive and healthy life.
We will strive to see that these standards are met:
Food must be available, or supplied through household production;
Food should be accessible to the household;
Household should have at least 2 meals per day;
Household should be able to cultivate a garden for food;
Household should have a balanced diet from locally available foodstuffs.
Child protection & Youth empowerment
Our Child Protection interventions aim to strengthen social safety nets protecting children and youth from abuse and exploitation and increase access to legal support and civil restitution for vulnerable children and their households.
We achieve this through:
Mobilizing communities and increase their awareness around child protection concerns;
Empowering vulnerable households to access protection and legal redress services;
Enhancement of referral mechanisms through which vulnerable households can access relevant protection and legal services;
Youth mentoring reaching youths in schools, in the community and at the facility. Using their youth friendly spaces, youth share ideas and learn new ways on how to live a purposeful adolescent life, engaging in activities such as adolescent sexual reproductive health talks, games and sports, music dance and drama life skills trainings, computer training;
The youth also have free access to youth friendly services including sexual reproductive health services;
Youth living with HIV/AIDS are being supported to overcome challenges of living with and growing up with HIV and AIDS, through theater and performing arts and testimonies.
Family strengthening
In this objective, our focus is on empowering households to enable them to get life skills, access sexual reproductive health services and other critical services. As we conceive of empowerment as a combination of knowledge, confidence and ability to seek service we are aware that knowledge and skills to access services are not always enough to make someone have the desire to seek reproductive health and other critical services.
We ensure that families have the knowledge and skills needed to access, acquire and be able to make well-informed choices of these critical services including sexual reproductive health choices through services designed to reach them.